
Сообщения за апрель, 2017

Better people!

Some times ago when I was in a hospital I heard a very interesting story by some strange patient. It story was about his мilitary service in Kamchatka and people who live there. He told that people form there better then we because they always help you  even if they don't know you 


Unfortunately on the last week I went to the hospital because I was bad mood.The doctor examined me and and told me that I had a gastritis. I had to treated for two week((

Could or could have + verb O_o

Really, how should I use it? I tried to understend but it is impossible for me( Can someone help with this? Thanks!

Be careful!!!

Today on my English course we spoke about "some situations" on road. People often to ignore signs and drive recklessly. In all situations which we met people just did't be careful and inconsiderate. Please be careful!  

Hello world on the Java!)

At the university I had a some task. I had to read article or book related to my profession. I decided to told about very good and useful book is th Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer by Fain Yacov I advis this book for all people who want to programming on the Java. Because Yacov Fain has about thirty years expirience in the programming and he has a rank Java Chempion. I read this book and it was very useful for me. I told the first part of this book. There is explain how we can write our first programm HelloWorld.


So, Start!) I have never kept a blog. If I will make some mistake - Sorry:). I am a Junior Developer in the Netcracker corporation and a student at the Sumy State University. I created this blog for improve my English skills and tell you about me and some intresting things which I will meet in my life)